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Salt Heir Portuguese Water Dogs | In The News

In The News

GCH Salt Heir’s I See You “Peekaboo”

Peekaboo goes “Best of Opposite Sex” at the Greenwich Kennel Club and earns her Grand Championship! Not bad for a 17 month old girl! Way to go Little BOO!



Peekaboo Greenwich


New Salt Heir Puppies have arrived!

Salt Heir’s Talk Of The Town “Oprah” x  Ch. Navio’s Prince of Tides at Valkyrie “Wills”

Salt Heir’s Stars and Stripes Forever Litter DOB 7/3/13

10 beautiful healthy puppies arrived just in time to celebrate The 4th Of July. 2 boys and 8 girls.

 Ch. Eskies Green With Envy “Gracie”  x  Ch. Navio’s Prince of Tides at Valkyrie “Wills”

Salt Heir’s Things That Make You Go VROOM! DOB: 7/10/13

10 more babies have arrived at Salt Heir! Congratulations to the proud mom and dad Gracie and Wills!